What our clients have to say!

ACA encompasses a team of individuals driven to take your production to the next level by means of bringing the best possible talent to your stage to making sure you are on time and your backstage is running smoothly. Having ACA as part of our team has been a Night to Day Experience from previous vendors. We are very happy to have them on board during our special Broadcast events.

In our search for a Latin PR agency in Los Angeles we came across ACA. They were recommended all the way from Mexico City. ACA has exceeded all our expectations. During the past three years, the response by the Latin community has been amazing, thanks to ACA’s efforts. In every city that we contracted with ACA, our show information were in all major Latin television network, as well as most of local press, digital and online outlets. What impressed us the most is that Ayelet has been truly working together with us as a solid team, and she is very dedicated to her work. The success of Spanish media marketing for us is based on our mutual trust and seamless cooperation. We are expecting our fourth year working with Ayelet and her team and look forward to many more. We highly recommend ACA to anyone seeking the best media relations you can get.

Siempre me e sentido muy satisfecha por que es como ACA fuera parte de mi equipo del dia a dia. Y se que cuento con ellos al 100%. I have always felt very satisfied because its as if ACA was part of my day to day team and I know i can rely on them 100%

If you ever have the pleasure to work with ACA Marketing, you will find a very passionate group of people ready to help you accomplish your goals. They just don’t settle when facing challenges, they see opportunities to build an even better programs/campaigns. ACA Marketing has produced for us a number of private concerts in the last years and we are looking forward to explore other opportunities with them.

El desarrollo e implementación de promociones y eventos para productos de consumo lo considero verdaderamente un Arte! Y sin ninguna duda ACA Marketing es una empresa conformada por un estupendo equipo de gente creativa que trabajan duro y cuentan con la experiencia necesaria en el área de eventos y promociones para el marcado latino en los Estados Unidos. Ellos son unos verdaderos artistas para crear “arte en sus eventos”. Cuando fui Gerente de Mercadotecnia Multicultural para Diageo California, tuve la oportunidad de contratar los servicios de ACÁ Marketing para desarrollar los eventos y promociones de las marcas de Whisky Johnnie Walker y Tequila Don Julio hacia el Mercado Latino Estadounidense. Y al trabajar con ACA Marketing pude reconocer “su verdadero arte” en su trabajo. Los considero una de las pocas empresas en Estados Unidos que verdaderamente conocen de fondo el mercado Latino “de cuello blanco” (profesionistas con alto nivel de escolaridad). Desde el conocimiento extenso de la psicología de este segmento así como su maestría en la creación de eventos y promociones específicos para este mercado, cualquier empresa que quiera dirigir sus productos hacia este segmento de manera exitosa, deberá considerar a ACA Marketing en sus planes y presupuesto.